Pop Weekly N° 8 17th October 1964


  1. Why so small? ): Please, post larger size!

    1. You ask me why I publish magazines entirety in reduced format.
      Simply to avoid that it is to consider to be Facsimile.
      On the contrary, for documents and photographs interessant are or will be
      published in normal format.
      If one of these documents or photograph interresse to you point out to it me and I will publish her as soon as possible in normal format.
      Thank you for your understanding.

  2. I understand your reasons clearly, Phil! Would like to see the picture of Hollies in normal format. I really would be very happy if you could post it! I am a big fan of the guys! Thank you for your attention and answers my questions. Thank you for being considerate!

  3. I am sorry to answer with delay has your message but I am very occupied at present.
    I dedicate 3 hours on average a day for the blog and my days are very full.
    But you indeed pointed out that I satisfied you as quickly as possible.
    documents are in format now.
    The photograph bonus in colour is a scan
    of French book of 1967 " Special Pop " but this photograph is published in several magazine.
    in Yours service..
