Rare Sixties Eps : The You Know Who's Group - Angello & Initials

Enjoy :


  1. Hi! LOVE the "You Know Who Group" ever since I heard this version of "Roses Are Red," which has the same form as the Savages "classic" version but substitutes a weird keyboard sound (melodica?). Rushed online and bought the YKW LP as soon as I heard the single, only to discover that it's a totally different arrangement & basically a totally different song, more like the easy-listening vocal than anyone's idea of a 4x4 knuckle-dragging ground-pounder. Meh. Fooled by a bunch of guys in masks and capes, go figure! Anyway: glad to see this here, and appreciate the site overall...TONS of good material you won't find elsewhere, and you don't have to sift through an ever-expanding avalanche of commenter posts that take the basic definition of "sixties beat music" into uncharted territory. As much as I love & have come to depend on OTHER sites that have for years provided the selfless gift of 1000s of Gigs of great music, there comes a time in every boy's life when scrolling thru page after page of obscure Euro-nobodies and fifth-wave folk-psych home-press comps gets frustrating. When you need gas, ya go to the gas station, you don't go to Wal-Mart and hunt around until you find something that seems like it might kind of be the same as gas, amirite?!? So: keep up the good work, and know that it's much appreciated by many of us out in the vast, vapid blogosphere.

    1. I do not know what to say ? ...... Yes ..... thanks !
