Charlie Watts

Not very talkative to pay homage to Charlie ??? ... 

Only 2 comments !

You don't have to share the same love as I do for him 
and his band the Rolling Stones.


  1. Phil, I tried to leave comments about Charlie several times but they didn't work.


    1. Weird, I received two messages for Charlie (Deutros and Lemon Flag) and I thank them both for thinking about it. I always receive yours usually and thank you as well. A few days ago someone wanted to explain to me what the sharing rules are for such a blog ... I forgot to write the song titles and the names of the combos on my "PSY" compilation. I was therefore reprehensible! I just think that sharing is that everyone contributes by giving their opinion on downloads but also giving their opinion on the music and those who make it (As Racati regularly does). I am (what my wife says) almost six hours a day working for this blog! I cannot respond to all comments, I only respond to those who have a specific question and suggest an answer. Your messages are sometimes kept while waiting for work to be done for you and serve as a reminder and are published late. All the messages are published except those which do not concern the activity of the blog or which are too demanding in the requests (as for several downloads at the same time). All this to say that this makes me ask for myself the question of the future of this blog, which for many corresponds to a one-way sharing.

    2. Thanks Phil for all the effort you go to with little reward. This is the only blog I frequent and I would hate to see you throw in the towel because people can't be bothered contributing a few kind words every now and then.

      In the case of my disappearing comments on Charlie I had assumed you might have been blocking anonymous comments. I can point out that the comments I did try to leave on three occasions never brought up the Captcha check, they just seemed to be accepted when I clicked publish. This has also happened a couple of times since then and I am thinking I will soon need to use a Google account instead in an effort to fix it.

      What were my comments about Charlie? "R.I.P. Charlie, a true gentlemen amongst a bunch of scruffs. Hope you are up there with Brian making great music. God bless".

      Best regards,


  2. Maybe it makes you speechless because from now on you have to be aware that every day one more of the greta artists we loved so much will be gone rather soon as they are all in their seventies now (Kinks, Who, Beach Boys, Dylan and so on...) That´s Life - why should one comment that sad truth - I think comments are more important with lesser known artists (i.e. Kevin Coyne, Calvin Russell etc.) because when they go you often don ´t read anything about them - Charlie is honoured so much - well deserved !

    1. You do not quite understand my approach, I know very well that we are all going to die. I took this example to make you understand that a blog is a sharing for the better but also for the worse. And I am satisfied that for the first time you are participating in this and in relation to the artists you revere (Kevin Coyne, Calvin Russell) nobody forbids you from speaking on this blog. Also avoid not signing your writings (name or pseudo, are always welcome).

    2. Here is a site for necrophiles of my kind, to which I collaborate when unfortunately necessary

      Musicians who died in 2021

  3. Be on your way, Charlie. I hope that with this world of covid-19, Talibans, Putins, Trumps, climate threats, fires, tornadoes, chinese leaders snd so on, you will find peace in drummers heaven. You are irreplaceable. R.I.P.

  4. Phil
    I find it funny that the drummer of one of the greatest rock bands dies and everyone is talking about jazz!
    Yes @mh it is sad that the icons of the 60s are reaching the finish line.

  5. Thanks for posting all the Charlie stuff, Phil. A great man and a musical rock in my life. When I saw the Stones in the mid-70s, he was a solid, powerful presence and even though Mick and Keith were doing their flamboyant thing, I often couldn't take my eyes off Charlie.

    Go well, Charlie, and thank you.

  6. i wont forget to put roses on your grave.....RIP Charlie ,you gonna be the most elegant guy in Heaven .....the same way you been a gentleman on earth,and thank you for your work among this Satanic Majesties band.....

  7. Very sad to lose Charlie backbone of the Stones. The Greatest Rock N Roll Band in the world.
