Jimmy James And The Vagabonds - Live On Air 1966-1969

 Jimmy James RIP



  1. Good evening, I have just come across your excellent blog and I would like to receive the dead link of Jimmy James & The Vagabonds “Live On AIR 1966-1969. With my thanks in advance.

  2. Just thank you with deep respect for relinking. I also have a music blog, but only devoted to Soul Music, and I would like to have your email address so that I can contact us from time to time. Here is the URL of my blog: http://soul-quinquin.eklablog.com/ , in case you want to contact me to leave me your email address (just post a comment on one of my articles leaving your address in the box provided for this purpose "no one other than me will be able to see your address"). Thank you again for your kindness because few bloggers act like you. Sincere and deep friendship.

  3. I always enjoyed music by Jimmy James and the Vagabonds. Thank you for providing this link.

  4. Thanks so much, Phil! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
