Cream - Fresh Cream - Early Version, Session Out + The BBC Sessions + Book part 3


As you may have noticed, blog activity has been disrupted in recent weeks. The main reason is due to a robot that hung onto the blog to suck up all the posts from its origin. This vacuum worked around the clock for almost a month. The consequences have been access difficulties for some of you and for me as well. This is not the first time that the blog has been sucked in by bots whose job it is to retrieve posts from sites, which you then find on other sites such as Pinterest. It is possible to prohibit access to these robots, but this is very complicated and requires very good computer skills, the risk of error in setting up a defense barrier can have serious consequences on the operation, if this is poorly executed. For the first aspirations of the blog, I had managed to get rid of these robots by stopping posting documents, photos, press clippings etc. It is for this reason that now I only publish full magazines for download. At the start of this new form of publication, I only featured the magazine cover on the blog. Little by little, in addition to the covers of the pages with photos of these magazines, I redeposited what seems to me to be the reason for this new appetite for robots. I also thought that by making the access to the blog private, for a few hours, it might make it possible to get this robot off the hook, which had the only consequence of worrying some of you, including the access was prohibited during this period and I apologize for that. It seems that now this robot has ceased its activity? For how long ? … I dont know. Since a problem never happens on its own, during this time I also made another little trip to a hospital. I now hope that everything will stabilize and that the blog will soon return to normal life.




  1. Phil, I hope you are healthy now. Keep the good job. You've been missed. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for all your efforts---they are highly appreciated. Hope that you can get some respite. Keep well.

  3. Phil
    First you must look out for your health.
    I am sorry to hear your site was under attack. I kept my finger crossed that it all would resolve and you would return.
    Thank you for sharing your music and your time.

  4. I'm glad the site is back and that you are feeling better.
    I hope your health continues to improve! Take care!

  5. Really nice you´re back, hope you can work this out.

  6. que te mejores Phil,estaba caminando por las paredes cuando el blog no me reconocia para nada,muchas gracias amigo por el esfuerzo

  7. Thanks a lot Phil for your blog again living. I wish the better for your health
    Thanks again

  8. Phil,
    Glad to see that things have stabilized a bit. Let's hope it stays this way. Thank you for this great blog. Take care of yourself, as we get older,we need to take care of ourselves more.

  9. Phil that's horrible. do what ever you have to do to protect your wondewrful blog.

    Hope you are healthy for a long time.

  10. Hi Phil....Good to kno u recovered frol all those techical troubles and chiefly that u are getting wealthy...Take care of yrself and thanks for keepin spreading the good stuff...Take care Dude

  11. God bless, keep up the wonderful job...thank you

  12. Glad to see things have got to normal!

  13. Il paraissait effectivement surprenant que le blog devienne privé du jour au lendemain. En tout cas, nombre d'entre nous se sont retrouvés orphelins... pour peu de temps heureusement. Tous les blogs sont malheureusement exposés à ce genre de désagrément. Le plus important est que tu sois en bonne santé.
    Merci pour cette splendide réédition du disque de Cream.

  14. Hi Phil, good to see you back and I'm glad the main issue was not your heath. Hopefully the "bot" issue is now resolved. On a health note, as @lemonflag said, your health is the most important thing, so take care.

    Best regards,


  15. Good news, that things are getting better now. Stay healthy and hopefully those bots are away!

  16. Sorry to hear of your health problems look after yourself and stay healthy

  17. Sorry to hear of your troubles, I hope everything is better for you soon. thanks for all the great music
