Welcome to Sixties Beat

SIXTIES BEAT was created to make available of all, forty personal years archives, cases of discs and CDS, photographs, Musical magazines, press cutting, posters etc
Sixties Beat is entirely dedicated in " British and Américan Music " the 50's, 60's and 70's.
Thank you for your visit and see you soon on SIXTIES BEAT.

PhIl Taylor








For some, the Beatles were the "Solution" to try to exist, others did not necessarily need the Beatles "Solution" to climb the charts. Despite the "Solution", many have remained anonymous and totally forgotten today. This compilation mixes the successes and failures of the "Solution". Here's hoping that all of them find glory again


  1. Thanks Phil.
    I tend to listen to these comps once and only keep a few tracks.

    1. I know I often spend time for nothing. Thanks anyway, but it makes me think more and more about the future of the blog?

    2. Phil My comment was aimed at people trying to use or sound like the Beatles. I have been a Beatle fan for 62 years. I always want to see these comps, you do a wonderful job on your collections. Please don't think the comment was about your efforts. I feel bad that it caused you pain.

    3. No problem between us, I understand very well that one can appreciate my work and that the artists proposed are not always appreciated for their music, these are two different appreciations. But me, after having loaded one day, I already think about what I will choose for the next loading day.
      The difficulty is that with MEGA, I do not have download statistics and I cannot really know what is appreciated or not on the blog and therefore my choices to satisfy my subscribers.
      I opened the blog 14 years ago. At the beginning of the blog I devoted myself only to the transmission of my collections of documents (vinyl covers, photos, posters, magazines, magazine clippings, postcards etc.) all concerning our favorite music. I was blocked; at one time, almost every day for a while by download robots such as Pinterest. I was disgusted by this, but I also had a lot of requests for loading when I published, especially CD covers.
      So I decided to give up on paper publications for a bit and offer music downloads. I had a lot to offer, having been in vinyl and CD for many years, as a professional, but at that time there were a lot more blogs than today and also more interested people unfortunately. So I decided to offer my own series that you know perfectly well, while also offering things from the traditional circuit. To load the traditional market, I admit that I was behind on the other blogs, that's why I still publish, today, old CD stuff that I find in my collections and for which I say to myself “this might please someone”. Today, I come back to my first ideas of publishing old papers, I changed by now offering complete magazines. The robots are still there, but their technology has evolved and, it seems to me, they no longer block access to the blog subscribers and now I don't care
      Now, you will know a little more about the history of this blog that fascinates me as much as it annoys me some days.
      See you soon on the blog my friend.

    4. Your comment “this might please someone” is why I will always visit here. Thanks.

  2. Thanks so much, Phil! ٩(。•́‿•̀。)

  3. It is always interesting to compare various interpretations of a given tune. Thanks for the chance. Géza

  4. Thank you, you can not go wrong with Beatles Music Rocking Eddie

  5. Thank you! Re: getting statistics for downloads, have you thought about using ImageNetz.de? I use an ad-blocker so I don't get the annoying ads that it appears they have there, but if you are concerned with stats, I guess it is an option. (I must admit it is odd that Mega show any kind of stats on the download page. They probably reserve that information for people who create an account.)

  6. Hello everyone,
    Thank you Phil for all the trouble you take to offer us albums that are out of the ordinary. Every time I come here, I try to listen to everything to perfect my knowledge. Believe me, I thought I knew everything and you make me discover more!!! Being still an old guitarist, this type of compilation of Beatles interpretations interests me a lot. Between 1966 and 1970, I played them with the other members of the orchestra and the problem of the harmony of the voices arose. For me, comparing these interpretations today seems very enriching.
    We all have different tastes and this Blog meets this need.
    Have a good end of the day.

  7. Obrigado pela sua postagem. Sempre é bom ouvir Beatles (mesmo cover). Gostei bastante doBilly J. Kramer & The Dakotas. Abraço

  8. Même si avec Mega il n'y a pas de statistiques de téléchargement, il est possible d'apprécier l'impact de chaque publication au vu du nombre de commentaires postés et de demandes de re-up formulées.
    A ce titre, il est certain que tes propres productions sont les plus recherchées (Nuggets Archives From USA, The Ultimate Bristish Beat, The Children Of Nuggets, etc, etc...).
    Tu peux donc en être particulièrement fier et ça doit te donner la force de continuer.
    Tu ne seras jamais assez remercié pour le travail réalisé.
    Bien cordialement.

    1. Il y a par jour en moyenne 1500 connexions et seulement en moyenne une dizaine de commentaires, et toujours les mêmes personnes, et pas comme vous, certains ne font jamais de commentaires sur mes publications personnelles, ce qui pour moi est le plus important ; pour les statistiques, c'est donc un peu court. En ce qui concerne les statistiques du blog, c'est différent, Il y a les connexions au blog, lorsque vous entrez, et les connexions des publications, celles-ci ne sont comptabilisées que lorsque vous cliquez sur une des photos, mais beaucoup de visiteurs cliquent directement sur "@" et ceux-ci ne sont pas comptabilisés. Ceci étant, cela ne m'empêche pas de dormir, on a toujours plus de plaisir à offrir qu'à recevoir.
      Pour l'histoire, j'ai travaillé il y a une trentaine d'années sur la remasterisation de bandes et pour certains artistes à partir de vinyles, lorsque les bandes avaient disparu. Un ami avait une très très importante collection de compilations garage, qu'il rachetait en CD au fur et à mesure des rééditions en CD. Il avait décidé de revendre sa collection, mais de peur que toutes ces compilations ne soient pas rééditées, il a tout copié sur cassettes et me les a confiées pour les digitaliser. J'avais créé cette collection “The Children Of Nuggets” en CD, pour moi et un jour elles sont sorties de mes étagères pour atterrir sur le blog. Le mérite est donc à partager avec mon ami.
      Il faut rendre à César ce qui appartient à César.
      Mais, surtout merci à toi pour tes contributions et pour ces compliments.
      There are on average 1500 connections per day and only on average about ten comments, and always the same people, and not like you, some never make comments on my personal publications, which for me is the most important; for statistics, it is therefore a little short. As for the statistics of the blog, it is different, There are connections to the blog, when you enter, and connections of publications, these are only counted when you click on one of the photos, but many visitors click directly on "@" and these are not counted. That being said, it does not prevent me from sleeping, we always have more pleasure in giving than in receiving. For the story, I worked about thirty years ago on the remastering of tapes and for some artists from vinyls, when the tapes had disappeared. A friend had a very very large collection of garage compilations, which he bought back on CD as and when the CD reissues were released. He had decided to resell his collection, but for fear that all these compilations would not be reissued, he copied everything on cassettes and gave them to me to digitize them. I had created this collection “The Children Of Nuggets” on CD, for me and one day they came off my shelves to land on the blog. The merit is therefore to be shared with my friend. We must give Caesar what belongs to Caesar. But, above all, thank you for your contributions and for these compliments.

